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Service Provider Submission Web Page



FREE EXTRA 2 MONTHS for every preferred customer that signs up for a Web Page or Link

Service Providers Web Page Submission Form:

Follow the 5 easy steps to get started in displaying Your Invention on Your Web Page hosted on Lamnik Industries web site.
1. Complete the online order form    (Complete online order form, print and mail copy with check or money order)
Type of Service to Provide:
Summary of Services:
Features / Classified :
2. Address Information:
Name of Contact:

City, State, Zip
Email Address:
Phone Number:
3. Select the option below that best fits your needs.
        1 year web page plan for $49.99 ($4.17/month for 12 months2005  Special offer
        2 year web page plan for $74.99 ( $3.13/month for 24 months)  2005  Special offer
          1 year Classified add plan for $49.99 (includes 2 up-dates)  2005  Special offer
          2 year Hyper Link plan for $49.99 (includes 5 up-dates)  2005  Special offer
     (Check applicable box)
Web Page Features:
-  No addition set up or design fee for a standard web page (visit Classifieds on the Lamnik home page for examples)
-  Display your service on your web page hosted on Lamnik Industries web site
-  Place a hit counter on your web page to track how many people open your web page
-  List your name, phone number & type of service in the Service Provider or Hyper Link page 
-  Email link from your web page (www.lamnik.com/yourname.xxx to your personal email address

4. Submission Requirements:

The following items should be submitted with your Web Page submission form to help in setting up your web page:

1. A copy of the Web Page Submission form signed & dated

2. Any photo's of your products or company logo's

3. Check or Money order for the amount due (Web plan or Link plan)

5. Approval Signature & Date
Name: Date:
Send to:

Covermans Group 

P.O. Box 183063

Shelby Twp. MI  48318-3063

Attn: Service Provider Department